Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supports energy production in your cells. Studies show that as we age we have less and less of it in our body. CoQ10 is especially important to heart health. A healthy heart, which never stops to rest, relies on CoQ10's energy support. Not all CoQ10 is the same though. Learn more about the best delivery option avaliable in a natural supplment form because running to the local drug store is like flushing money down the toilet.
What about the omega 3's? Did you know that they promote cardiovascular health? Watch a quick video all about how these are good for you and how you can get seven natural omega 3 fatty acids.
High cholesterol? Doctors are quick to get out their pad and write you a solution but there is a way to help yourself with a good low-fat diet, exercise and a natural supplement. The supplement is shown to inhibit the absorption of dietary cholestrol and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol. So isn't it worth trying before you put artificial stuff in your body with yucky side affects?
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